Acidification and Eutrophication of Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Forests Demonstrated by Indicator Species Analysis


  • Gintarė Sujetovienė


ground vegetation, indicator values, acidification, eutrophication, Scots pine stands


The aim of the study was to estimate changes in the stand condition in the surroundings of "Achema" impact zone by species demand for environmental factors. Ground vegetation of 80-100 years old Pinus sylvestris L. stands attributable to Vaccinio-myrtillosa site type was chosen as an object. Weighted averages of indicator values for nitrogen (EN) close to the plant decline with the distance from the emission source. The relative share of nitrogen indicating species was significantly higher in the impact zone (EN = 2.7) than in the control (EN = 1.5). The increased abundance of nitrogen indicators in the forest ground vegetation could partly be attributed to an increase in atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the forests. Weighted averages of Ellenberg's indicator values for soil reaction (ER) along the study transect were not significantly correlated with the distance from "Achema". In the closest to "Achema" vicinity (2 km east and 5-8 km north-east) ER was significantly lower in comparison to the control (p < 0.05). According to the indicator values for light (EL), there were no significant differences at different distances. In comparison to the control indicator the averages for light were higher but not significantly (p > 0.05). In accordance with the indicator values the conclusion is drawn that in the impact zone (2-11 km) the ground vegetation of pine stands is affected due to "Achema" acidifying and eutrophying pollution.

Author Biography

Gintarė Sujetovienė

Department of Environmental Sciences

Vytautas Magnus university






