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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Publishing fee of EREM is 50 EUR per journal page for an accepted paper. An author confirms that he / she will pay the fee if a manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • An author has to provided a list of three potential international reviewers as supplementary file indicating first names, family names, e-mail addresses, affiliations, keywords presenting field of interests.
  • AUTHOR‘S GUARANTEE FORM is filled, singed, scanned, and ready to be uploaded as a supplementary file.
  • A manuscript submitted to EREM is an original work and it was written by the author(s) indicated in the work. A submission has not been previously published and it is not in consideration of another journal (otherwise, an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • A manuscript does not contain statements, which do not correspond to reality, or material, which may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another person or legal entity, and upon the conditions and requirements of sponsors or providers of financial support.
  • The material of the Work is not and will not be presented for publication to any other publications.
  • All references used in a manuscript are indicated and, to the extent the work incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the works of others, the undersigned has obtained any necessary permissions.
  • Undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless Kaunas University of Technology from any damage or expense that may arise in the event of a breach of any of the guarantees set forth above.
  • Author(s) do(es) not object to the spread of the work by all means of distribution.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts must be submitted through Open Journal System (OJS) of EREM (go to New Submission). Ensure that you have selected the role of "author" when registering to OJS.

EREM welcomes manuscripts covering the following topics of interest:

  • environmental research, ecological monitoring, and climate change;
  • environmental pollution – impact assessment, mitigation, and prevention;
  • environmental engineering, sustainable production, and eco innovations;
  • environmental management, strategy, standards, social responsibility;
  • environmental economics, policy, and law;
  • sustainable consumption and education.

The Editorial Board gives preference to manuscripts of high scientific level, that have not been published previously, and are written clearly not only for specialists but also for the general public interested in the questions of environment.

Recommendations from competent authorities stating that the submitted article deals with relevant environmental questions, meets scientific requirements and is recommended to be published in the journal must be submitted by the author(s) to the Editorial Board.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be organized in the following manner:

  • title,
  • author(s),
  • affiliation(s) of the author(s),
  • abstract,
  • key words (up to five),
  • introduction,
  • materials and methods,
  • results and discussion,
  • conclusions,
  • acknowledgements (if relevant),
  • references (in Roman script).

Authors are requested to ensure that abstracts give concise factual information about the objectives of the work, the methods used, the results obtained and the conclusions reached. A recommended length for the abstracts is 2.000 characters (with spaces).

The writing language of manuscripts is English (UK). A recommended length for the manuscripts is approx. 25.-35.000 characters (with spaces).

Manuscripts should be supplemented with the information about the author(s): name, position, organisation, main research areas, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address.

When submitting a manuscript, please fill the information about all the authors, not only about the submitting one.

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