Environmental Impact of Devastated Landscapes of Volhynian Upland and Male Polisya (Ukraine)


  • Vasyl V. Popovych Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • Anrdiy I. Voloshchyshyn Lviv State University of Life Safety




Keywords, environmental impact, devadtated landscape, waste heap, Volhynian Upland, Male Polisya


Lviv-Volyn coal basin located on the territory of Ukraine within the Volhynian Upland and Male Polisya is one of the largest in Europe. The purpose of our research is to highlight the environmental impact of the devastated landscapes of coal mines. Samples of edaphotopes were collected in accordance with existing state standards and approved techniques. It has been found that the ash content of operating and non-operating dumps is different. The average content of ash in the rock of non-operating dumps is 79.95%, and in particles of a diameter of up to 13 mm, it is 78.22%. In operating dumps, the ash content of coal-containing particles is the lowest and ranges within 12.5–25.6% (average value 20.08%). The average ash content in operating dumps with rock particle size of 1–13 mm is 86.45%. The average ash content in operating dumps with particle size up to 1 mm is 72.25%. Coal-containing rock and rock with a particle size of up to 1 mm are most liable for spontaneous fire. The average sulphur content in the rock of non-operating dumps is 0.94%. The average sulphur content in operating dumps with coal-containing particles of 1–13 mm is 1.86%. Coal-containing particles are the most dangerous from the point of view of the sulphur content, which interacts with other components and chemical elements and migrates to the environment. In order to overcome the environmental impact of waste heaps of coal mines, green technologies should be implemented to non-operating dumps. Such technologies include biological reclamation, including forest and agricultural vegetative reclamation, and monitoring of the environment in mines area. It is necessary to introduce modern technological processes, the latest transportation and techniques, as well as control of warehouse technologies, at the operating dumps.

Author Biography

Vasyl V. Popovych, Lviv State University of Life Safety

Начальник відділу екологічної безпеки Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності, Львів, Україна





