Landscape Functional Zoning of Urban Protected Areas
Urban Protected Areas, nature management conflicts, landscape-functional zoning, buffer functional zoneAbstract
The article deals with the need to consider the territory landscape structure during the landscape functional zoning of urban protected areas (UPA) (by example of the Holosiyivskyi National Natural Park (NNP) in Kyiv). The study revealed the shortcomings of the UPA functional zoning procedure without applying a landscape approach, regardless of its importance for preventing nature management conflicts. According to the research goals, it is necessary to study the UPA landscape structure and transfer the functional zoning procedure to the landscape basis. Holosiyivskyi Forest, as one of the five massifs in Holosiyivskyi NNP, was chosen for the analysis. A landscape map was created and a landscape-functional zoning scheme of the Holosiyivskyi Forest territory was updated using field research findings, available digital maps and GIS tools. Moreover, the relief morphometric parameters were reflected in the digital model and a hypsometric map of Holosiyivskyi Forest was created on its basis. By providing maximum correspondence of the nature management structure in each functional zone with the existing landscape structure of the territory, traditional zoning turns into a landscape functional one. The study assessed the adverse impact of the urban environment on Holosiyivskyi Forest’s natural landscapes. The research demonstrates the imperfection of Ukrainian nature conservation legislation, the absence of the Holosiyivskyi NNP land management project and the need to define the Park’s true boundaries around its territory. Research findings are a basis for minimizing existing nature management conflicts, reducing the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystems, rationally controlling recreational flows, and planning anti-erosion and other activities to optimize functioning of protected areas in an urbanized environment.
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