The Use of Land in Master Plans of Towns from the Point of View of Sustainable Spatial Development


  • Liucijus Dringelis
  • Evaldas Ramanauskas
  • Giedrė Gudzinevičiūtė



sustainable development, territory planning, master plans, urban sprawl, land use


Rational use and protection of land depend to a considerable degree on territorial planning documents, especially on municipality general plans which contain definitions of land use objective, character and type. National policy results depend on the quality of these documents. One of the most important territories planning objectives stated in the law on the Territorial Planning is: save, use rationally and restore natural resources; create healthy and harmonious environment for life, work and rest; form natural frame, save and support balance of landscape ecological systems, etc. Nevertheless, in preparing municipality general plans these objectives are frequently ignored –urbanization is planned in valuable strategic objectives of sustainable development (Dėl nacionalinės darnaus… 2009) say: harmonize natural territories, slopes and waterfronts, construction of dwelling houses is legitimated on farmlands, need for public, recreational spaces and greenery is ignored, etc. Estimating such experience of preparation of master plans, it can be said that these solutions mostly fall short of the requirements for sustainable spatial development aspects – social, economical, ecological. Seeking better care and more rational use of land – the greatest country wealth, it is necessary to fortify the administration of this field at both levels – national (Ministry of Environment) and local (Municipalities of cities and regions). This actuality should be better reflected in the laws and the system of standards.

Author Biographies

Liucijus Dringelis

Head of Territory Planning Center, Institute of Architecture and Construction, at Kaunas University of Technology

Evaldas Ramanauskas

junior researcher at Territory Planning Center, Institute of Architecture and Construction, at Kaunas University of Technology

Giedrė Gudzinevičiūtė

senior architect at Territory Planning Center, Institute of Architecture and Construction, at Kaunas University of Technology





